Most earned from a single crime?
2011.Oct.14, 12:39 PM
Most earned from a single crime?
Post: #1
I just got this and I was wondering what is the most you guys got for a single crime and what crime was it?

1. Bored as you are, you fire up the computer and scan the wireless networks outside a corporate business center in the Beach District.
2. You find an unsecure access point and begin sniffing the data for passwords.
3. You fire up the data sniff program to try to steal some useful information.

Result: After a couple of hours with a password cracker you manage to log into their website database and grab credit card data. You fence the data for $2594.

ps. there should be a poi for this, just saying Wink

Wu tang

Messages In This Thread
Most earned from a single crime? - HeadBustin - 2011.Oct.14 12:39 PM
RE: Most earned from a single crime? - Monk - 2011.Oct.14, 05:25 PM
RE: Most earned from a single crime? - Monk - 2011.Oct.14, 05:42 PM