(2011.Sep.01 07:00 AM)MrHyde Wrote: Tweety tweety tweety, dont get mad, its only a game. Im the one whos crying? were? I pointed out a fact. We had the chance to get out, lol yep leave the gang that most helped build before half your gang even started playing because you say so (Can I get a "He-man I have the power" from you bird) This is not a holy war against the big bad evil SV, this is a load of wannabes flexing their epeen in a dead game past its prime. You are the bigger gang, you have the higher number of stronger players, you have the new owner and runner of the game in your gang, yet we are still here saying FUCK YOU and I guess thats what hurts the most 
someone get this bitch a tissue.
i love the way you guys are saying FUCK YOU from the hosp.