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is there a clear winner in the sv vs habitat fight yet?
2011.Aug.31, 05:23 PM
RE: is there a clear winner in the sv vs habitat fight yet?
Post: #4
I was about to click "habitat", but then I remembered this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ob=av2e
This post was last modified: 2011.Aug.31 05:24 PM by Accipender.

Whatever leniency I extended to you and your comrades before, may have been in error. If you persist in halting our course, we will burn your pathetic fleet down to the last man.

Messages In This Thread
RE: is there a clear winner in the sv vs habitat fight yet? - Accipender - 2011.Aug.31 05:23 PM