The "To Do" List (BWNH), Part Deux
2011.Jun.30, 10:35 AM
RE: The "To Do" List (BWNH), Part Deux
Post: #35
(2011.Jun.30 10:05 AM)MrPapagiorgio Wrote:  
(2011.Jun.30 10:02 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote:  Weapon quality. A way to increase the quality of your weapon. A way to customize it.
It would work by using action or energy points to work on your weapon much like doing skills.
Your weapon would increase in quality with ratings and the rating of your weapon could not exceed your weapon skill maybe. This would really even things up for cry babies who whine about not being able to make endurance requirements.

I like it. Another way to implement it would be to have a career skill, say, Engineering or Military, that could improve weapons for yourself and others. Just a suggestion.

engineering could fix up armor, and could create/upgrade new temporary items (grenades, mines, etc, that are one-time use, some are defense-only some are attack-only), and military could upgrade/create ranged weaponry. construction could tweak melee weaponry (but could not create anew). maybe engineering could create melee weapons as well.

You attacked and hit for 761 damage against their hideout! Too bad nobody cares!

Messages In This Thread
RE: The "To Do" List (BWNH), Part Deux - abysmalpoptart - 2011.Jun.30 10:35 AM