I would quit, never mind whatever real money that has been spend, its the time that has been put into the game. The only reason I still play is because I have spend so much time on this bloody daft game im not going to just walk away, but if it all gets reset and told "away you go do it all again" I would be gone, because I know how much real time it can take to get stuff like skills, careers and without spending a huge amount stats and end up. Were the game is at this time there is no incentive to do it all again.
It would be very hard to put a value on a players toon so many facters to look at. Total time played, total dev points trained, total skill points trained, total career points earned (and from older players the careers/school from then) Total exp earned, total real money spend, total al money earned. Then for alot of players how do you put a value on the gang they are in or have been in and what they had done to help build it/them up. Total eng spend gang battling, total action points spend attacking/repairing hideouts, total career points spend helping gang, total al money gang has earned from gang crimes. That is just a few things of the top of my head im sure there are many more factors. |