Suggestions for Real Estate
2007.Aug.26, 10:14 AM
Post: #10
Not bad idea(s) here. However, I think you would have to have an AP system for just how hard of an attempt you want to do:
Do you want to only look for an open window and/or an unlocked door or do you want to break a window or try to jimmy the door, climb up on the patio because you saw something open up there?
Now you are in the house:
Do you grab something right in front of you and take off through the window/door you came, do you do a quick cursory look for something else, or do you stay in the house far longer looking all around and searching for the good items?
Now you have some potential items you can take:
Do you grab as much as you can and risk dropping some or making alot of noise with them hitting each other or do you grab that nice diamond necklace you just found searching and run off with that one? Do you spend longer in the house wrapping up items so they do not make noise and risk getting caught for too much time.
Neighborhood watch/police presence:
Depending on who you want to try to rob and their location of their pad will depend on the randomness of the police presence/neighborhood watch aspect of the crime.
Security system(s)
Do they have cameras, dogs, motion sensors, guns (All mentioned previously), guards, or a combination of two or more security systems. (Of course you would have to decide whether to check for security systems or not no matter where you go. The villa may have none but the trailer has a dog.)
Quality of merchandise:
You definitely will not get better items from a cardboard box, shack, trailer as you would from a ranch or villa or whatever is in Midlan or Underground. (Of course a LVL 1 or 2 could not possibly get to the LVL 40 zone so Rafal and Pullo would not have to worry about being robbed if they have a place there now or in the future, zones are limited by levels like normally in the game).

This would be alot of work to implement but if it ever does come around (I would rather let Zenith continue her plans first) then it may be fun. I could go on and on and on with ideas to add on to the initial post but I do not feel like sitting here this long when I am probably maxed on my energy and APs now. LOL

Messages In This Thread
Suggestions for Real Estate - abstractamy - 2007.Aug.25, 09:08 PM
[] - killer1994 - 2007.Aug.25, 09:12 PM
[] - Aqualung451 - 2007.Aug.25, 09:21 PM
[] - killer1994 - 2007.Aug.25, 09:29 PM
[] - killer1994 - 2007.Aug.25, 09:40 PM
[] - zenith - 2007.Aug.25, 09:52 PM
[] - killer1994 - 2007.Aug.25, 09:55 PM
[] - abstractamy - 2007.Aug.25, 10:02 PM
[] - killer1994 - 2007.Aug.25, 10:05 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Aug.26 10:14 AM
[] - abstractamy - 2007.Aug.26, 10:26 AM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Aug.26, 10:30 AM
[] - Moriarty - 2007.Aug.26, 12:26 PM
Re: Suggestions for Real Estate - MaxGhost - 2007.Aug.26, 12:45 PM
[] - derek2752 - 2007.Aug.27, 03:11 PM
[] - valleroy86 - 2007.Aug.28, 01:03 AM