Christmas Contest - Evil Santa
2010.Nov.26, 03:07 PM
RE: Christmas Contest - Evil Santa
Post: #2
(2010.Nov.26 02:05 PM)2asandab Wrote:  Just an idea but how about a new NPC "Monster" comes to AL ... Evil Santa roams the different districts and attacks everyone online (an accelerated Jack Mort), the Santa would have a huge amount of HP and the contest will end when everyone can bring him down.

The prizes could be for, the last attack, most attacks, most damage etc. As an added bonus you could swipe prizes randomly (stims, nimbus, cash) when you attack. Attackers are sent to the hosp, 15-25 mins or so.

meh, lame. too similar to past halloween contests.

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(ºº) Biffi ----->

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Messages In This Thread
Christmas Contest - Evil Santa - 2asandab - 2010.Nov.26, 02:05 PM
RE: Christmas Contest - Evil Santa - Brugada - 2010.Nov.26 03:07 PM
RE: Christmas Contest - Evil Santa - Batman - 2010.Nov.28, 12:29 AM