Gang,s Gangs, Gangs.
2007.Aug.08, 10:13 PM
Post: #3
There is a reason why I said having a "limit" of gang stim packs per gang. These stim packs will offer a fast option to repair your gang hideout and as for your "gang hideout repair would become non exist"; wrong. Not everyone will be able to afford the stim packs and thus they will be forced to repair their gang hideouts.

Messages In This Thread
Gang,s Gangs, Gangs. - Devilish - 2007.Aug.08, 09:29 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Aug.08, 10:08 PM
[] - Devilish - 2007.Aug.08 10:13 PM
[] - Netherese - 2007.Aug.08, 11:16 PM
[] - jlag08 - 2007.Aug.08, 11:25 PM
[] - Moriarty - 2007.Aug.09, 04:30 AM
[] - 4TRESS - 2007.Aug.09, 05:48 AM