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password sugestion
2010.Jun.16, 05:36 PM
password sugestion
Post: #1
When you're loging in, and u forget your password or someone has hacked your account and changed the password, how can u get it back without creating another account? U can't. They need a link that says forgot your password, and then they will send u an email with a new computer generated password. Who's with me.

Messages In This Thread
password sugestion - ultimentkiller - 2010.Jun.16 05:36 PM
RE: password sugestion - DirkDanja - 2010.Jun.16, 08:08 PM
RE: password sugestion - Batman - 2010.Jun.16, 11:12 PM
RE: password sugestion - Dingus - 2010.Jun.17, 05:29 AM
RE: password sugestion - Joshiwa - 2010.Jun.17, 08:00 AM
RE: password sugestion - DejaVu - 2010.Jun.17, 08:38 AM