When you're loging in, and u forget your password or someone has hacked your account and changed the password, how can u get it back without creating another account? U can't. They need a link that says forgot your password, and then they will send u an email with a new computer generated password. Who's with me.
You spelled your name wrong
My password have 45 characters....and yup...g00d idea
So glad to find a player as illiterate as I!
(2010.Jun.17 05:29 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]So glad to find a player as illiterate as I!
You spelled you name wrong. Should be "Dong us"
(2010.Jun.16 05:36 PM)ultimentkiller Wrote: [ -> ]When you're loging in, and u forget your password or someone has hacked your account and changed the password, how can u get it back without creating another account? U can't. They need a link that says forgot your password, and then they will send u an email with a new computer generated password. Who's with me.
This is not totally true. You can always get to the forums, via the links and then message Zen and she can help you from there. For some remembering their pass on an account is a problem. But for the most part, yes it might be easier to have a link to mail if there is a problem or something to help you if you forgot the password.
But the best thing you can do is not forget