I didn't meant you were stupid, only that if some1 makes a game where the weak are stronger than the to players, it would be dumb. Sorry you felt that way.
Change gang or donate to get more ppl in your gang otherwise, im sorry but it is impossible to make a game even for donators and non-donators, weak and strong, super active and barely active players...
If you're on, say 14 hours a day and you're tired of getting warred because all your other members only log in 2-3 times a day, change members or change gang. If you don't want to change because they're your friends or something then sorry again, you ain't gonna get what you want or reach the top in gang stats/wins/wars, etc.
This is a general comment, not directed at MrTickles:
I don't know what to say anymore, people are registering here and most of them think they can "own" the place in a month and that no1 will ever hurt their feelings or attack them or whatever else some people have found to complain about.
People that have been here for 200-300 days experienced the bad side of the old war system, losing gangs worth 100's of K's $$, hospitalizations, not playing for up to 4 days and etc and they wanted it to be changed. I'm not saying new players don't have their word to say but the game is not made for new guys to rule equally with the old members and I don't see why it should be changed to be so. Some players have "suffered" in this game in the past and now some of them are at the top and/or get the success they deserve. It sucks but now it's your turn to suffer and eventually, you will reach the top one day, just ain't gonna happen in a week or 2.
For those that think I'm a selfish person or something like that, I've watched Canada try to please every freakin single person living in it, whether he'd been living here for 10 generations or 30 days and it's a very bad idea. People everywhere are getting angry, violence is reaching new records every years and soon, much much worst. There's over 1k active players in this game right now, if the game has to lose 10-20 of them to please 900, I say so be it! It's better for the greater numbers, individuality has always been a killer.
I could say more but I'm tired of typing and I'm sure 95% of you won't even read to this part anyway. |