Logging Out
2007.Jul.11, 04:38 PM
Post: #5
I am assuming that the actual game and the forums are hosted on the exact same server, that being http://www.awakenedlands.com. Unless a web site's domain name can exist on two different machines, which in my experience is not listed, but then again, I am fully open to being corrected. So, it looks like for the time being, I will be clicking on the "Forums" link, while holding down shift key to open up a new tab. Hopefully, one day, it will be a bit easier to stay logged in than the current, but I have come to understand that there are way more important things to develop on this game, so I will put this little idea of mine to rest.

Messages In This Thread
Logging Out - Dragon - 2007.Jul.11, 01:01 PM
[] - Dormagonn - 2007.Jul.11, 01:55 PM
[] - Dragon - 2007.Jul.11, 02:30 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jul.11, 03:24 PM
[] - Dragon - 2007.Jul.11 04:38 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jul.11, 05:41 PM
[] - Dragon - 2007.Jul.13, 10:51 AM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Jul.13, 11:09 AM