It may be quite convenient if you could still stay logged in to the game, while browsing these forums for a long period of time. I have experienced many instances where I have rummaged through these forums, keeping a keen eye out for new threads and such, only to find out a tad bit later that I have been logged out of the game and have to re-login, again. Staying logged in to the game could surely be easy to implement and hopefully, it would save some stress of users going through the whole logging in process, again.
easy problem - just have your browser set to "remeber password for this site" -
all it takes for me to log back in is a "d" ; "arrowkey down" ; "double enter" :wink:
p.s. i also keep separate tabs and check the game every ten or so mins, just to avoid that logging in - but ocasionally it does happen.
I am not sure if I want my computer to remember my Awakened Lands password, seeing as I am not the only one who uses my computer. I just do not want to risk my whole account over some minor inconvenience, which can easily be resolved. But, with that being said, having multiple tabs available does allow you to remain logged in to the game. That is, how ever, if you actually go to different web pages in the game and not on the forums. Now, if your online session could recieve some kind of "wake-up call", every time you request a page on the forums, then that would be pretty neat, with out the hassle of opening up new tabs and going back and fourth, refreshing web pages.
Use a 2nd window/tab.
Ben asked before and the forums and game are 2 separate servers (if my memory is good) hence the reason you get logged out when browsing the forums.
I am assuming that the actual game and the forums are hosted on the exact same server, that being Unless a web site's domain name can exist on two different machines, which in my experience is not listed, but then again, I am fully open to being corrected. So, it looks like for the time being, I will be clicking on the "Forums" link, while holding down shift key to open up a new tab. Hopefully, one day, it will be a bit easier to stay logged in than the current, but I have come to understand that there are way more important things to develop on this game, so I will put this little idea of mine to rest.
I have just noticed that when I logged out in the game, I did not log out of the forums. I have always just assumed that when you log out of the game, you get logged out of the forum, but now my assumption has faded. This could be quite a troubling security threat, if you do not close your browser, if you did not remember to log out of the forums. Well, from now on, I will be logging out of the forum and the game. Still though, it would be nice if you could just click on one link to log out of every thing. Some times I might forget to log out of the forums or the game, but I will try my best to remember. May be having a simple solution of logging out of every thing will become available in the near future. Only one can hope, in my case.
u have to click log in with this name every time in order for it to save the forums, otherwise if u close the forum browser it forgets who you are