Logging Out
2007.Jul.11, 03:24 PM
Post: #4
Use a 2nd window/tab.

Ben asked before and the forums and game are 2 separate servers (if my memory is good) hence the reason you get logged out when browsing the forums.

Messages In This Thread
Logging Out - Dragon - 2007.Jul.11, 01:01 PM
[] - Dormagonn - 2007.Jul.11, 01:55 PM
[] - Dragon - 2007.Jul.11, 02:30 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jul.11 03:24 PM
[] - Dragon - 2007.Jul.11, 04:38 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jul.11, 05:41 PM
[] - Dragon - 2007.Jul.13, 10:51 AM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Jul.13, 11:09 AM