Reputation-1= % off items Idea
2010.Feb.04, 10:03 AM
RE: Reputation-1= % off items Idea
Post: #14
(2010.Feb.04 09:34 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote:  infinite cash??? how??

most items resell for 50% or less of their purchasing value. therefore, you would LOSE LESS, but gain none..

I think he was talking about the discount on house's not items.

9:17 am BenderRodriguez attacked you and lost.
20.Feb.13 TheGeneral attacked you and lost.

4488 SV pUn 69 16 Lost in an individual gang battle to Mac.
12.Oct.11 TheGeneral attacked you and lost.

Messages In This Thread
Reputation-1= % off items Idea - 2asandab - 2010.Jan.27, 01:08 PM
RE: Reputation-1= % off items Idea - enndees18 - 2010.Jan.29, 01:19 PM
RE: Reputation-1= % off items Idea - Maccleod - 2010.Feb.04 10:03 AM