Game not fun this way
2007.Jun.18, 05:59 PM
Post: #4
Well Pimpsta, some people do not like it when others punk them in the forums.

However, on your side now I think it is pretty childish when people do not like stuff on the forum and take it out ingame. Ingame smack I can see people attacking you, I.E. When pullo kept hospitalizing me because I told him he was desperate in the shootout because he had to attack myself and others above him instead of competing himself. For a few times of being attacked I can see him doing it as being upset. But when he got mad because I posted more attacks in the forum here (and punked him out) and attacked me again many times ingame, that was childish.

I will just say do not do it ingame because good chances are it may cause you to be friends with the people in the ER. Probably not in the forum here either unless you know the person you are smacking (whether serious or acting in character) will just take it as forum talk and not give you repercussions ingame again. Ciao.
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Messages In This Thread
Game not fun this way - pimpsta101 - 2007.Jun.18, 05:08 PM
[] - shardster - 2007.Jun.18, 05:16 PM
[] - Dresicos - 2007.Jun.18, 05:31 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Jun.18 05:59 PM
[] - shadowinc - 2007.Jun.18, 06:10 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Jun.18, 07:34 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jun.18, 07:39 PM
[] - zenith - 2007.Jun.18, 09:30 PM