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Hosp code change
2009.Dec.12, 06:32 PM
RE: Hosp code change
Post: #32
(2009.Dec.12 01:45 AM)McCule Wrote:  This is a spin off of all of the SV being too big controversy.

What if a code was in place where individually you could only HOSP attack a percent of an opposing person's gang (predetermined/computer-randomly selected group)? In reality, if one gang has a physical altercation with another gang and one side has a 7 foot, cut martial artist that is better than and can "take" everyone, he's not going to be able to be in position to locate and attack every person in the opposing gang b/c the enemies aren't going to stand in a circle around the dude and wait their turn to be pummeled.
The trouble with SV is they have TWO members that can beat everyone in the whole game (and they happen to live together). So one or both of them could be online and completely win any situation with a simple credit refresh.

Idea has one flaw, if it were to go into effect it should have done so when Pullo and Vor were in the same gang. So it was OK that the 2 of them could take all of SV? But now that they're not here, it's not ok that another gang has some higher levels and with a huge difference! There are still a few people I can't take. For Pullo and Vor there weren't. So again with the whining. I paid my dues in the hosp, when no one in my gang could beat them, but now that we have 1 than can beat everyone, and a few other high levels, bring in a code to change it. Makes perfect sense in your eyes I'm sure, but not to those of us who withstood their beatings, and fought hard to get where we are.

Dream on, for other ways to take away everything everyone in this game has worked for, bc that's all everyone seems to want to do lately.

Messages In This Thread
Hosp code change - McCule - 2009.Dec.12, 01:45 AM
RE: Hosp code change - Duchbag69 - 2009.Dec.12, 02:00 AM
RE: Hosp code change - McCule - 2009.Dec.12, 02:21 AM
RE: Hosp code change - Duchbag69 - 2009.Dec.12, 02:24 AM
RE: Hosp code change - McCule - 2009.Dec.12, 02:35 AM
RE: Hosp code change - Chymere - 2009.Dec.12, 04:18 AM
RE: Hosp code change - UncleDave - 2009.Dec.12, 12:58 PM
RE: Hosp code change - Chymere - 2009.Dec.12, 04:58 PM
RE: Hosp code change - OnwardTowardTheGlory - 2009.Dec.12, 05:42 AM
RE: Hosp code change - MrHyde - 2009.Dec.12, 06:16 AM
RE: Hosp code change - Nightwind - 2009.Dec.12, 06:36 AM
RE: Hosp code change - BrokenGlass - 2009.Dec.12, 07:34 AM
RE: Hosp code change - randomjacker - 2009.Dec.12, 08:32 PM
RE: Hosp code change - bconrad56 - 2009.Dec.12, 07:56 AM
RE: Hosp code change - shark24 - 2009.Dec.12, 08:07 AM
RE: Hosp code change - Joshiwa - 2009.Dec.12, 09:09 AM
RE: Hosp code change - McCule - 2009.Dec.12, 12:17 PM
RE: Hosp code change - peteycrack - 2009.Dec.12, 12:28 PM
RE: Hosp code change - peteycrack - 2009.Dec.12, 10:17 AM
RE: Hosp code change - Lucky666 - 2009.Dec.12, 11:13 AM
RE: Hosp code change - peteycrack - 2009.Dec.12, 12:01 PM
RE: Hosp code change - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Dec.12, 11:58 AM
RE: Hosp code change - Joshiwa - 2009.Dec.12, 12:07 PM
RE: Hosp code change - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Dec.12, 12:09 PM
RE: Hosp code change - Joshiwa - 2009.Dec.12, 12:14 PM
RE: Hosp code change - Punisher - 2009.Dec.12, 12:09 PM
RE: Hosp code change - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Dec.12, 12:16 PM
RE: Hosp code change - OnwardTowardTheGlory - 2009.Dec.12, 12:49 PM
RE: Hosp code change - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Dec.12, 01:04 PM
RE: Hosp code change - BSOXXX - 2009.Dec.12, 01:05 PM
RE: Hosp code change - MrHyde - 2009.Dec.12, 01:28 PM
RE: Hosp code change - Marlo - 2009.Dec.12, 06:37 PM
RE: Hosp code change - cheetah - 2009.Dec.12, 06:44 PM
RE: Hosp code change - MrHyde - 2009.Dec.12, 07:10 PM
RE: Hosp code change - g2o2d4wp - 2009.Dec.12, 07:18 PM
RE: Hosp code change - Dingus - 2009.Dec.12, 06:27 PM
RE: Hosp code change - cheetah - 2009.Dec.12 06:32 PM