Giving items to friends
2007.Jun.15, 07:32 AM
Giving items to friends
Post: #1
My roommate and I share the same ISP, but we have different IP addresses. When I try giving her an item it says "Similar IP item transfers are prohibited. If you feel you reached this message in error, please contact us in the Player Assistance forums. " How can I get around this, or can't I?

Messages In This Thread
Giving items to friends - grneyz12 - 2007.Jun.15 07:32 AM
[] - zenith - 2007.Jun.15, 10:56 AM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Jun.15, 06:29 PM
[] - Monte - 2007.Jul.12, 11:35 AM
[] - McCule - 2007.Jul.24, 11:44 AM
[] - Dresicos - 2007.Jul.25, 04:44 AM
Re: Giving items to friends - Hostile85 - 2007.Jul.25, 05:45 PM