yet another idea to over take the plumbing
2009.Nov.20, 12:30 AM
RE: yet another idea to over take the plumbing
Post: #3
How about combining classes that work well together? such as medical and sciance, or Military and Martial Arts? Let's say you have to be the same level in each and maybe at least level 5, you could use enough for a promotion to combine them. Then after you would need the total of both to get promoted, but you would get promoted in both.You then after would be able to use the skills of both.
It might be nice to burn some credidts to have mulipal friends and enimy lists to better organize who is who.
Lets get rid of the dreded 1 point hide out attack. What ever your skills that apply totaled up should be your min. attack. this should cost a credit or two depending on your level.
I think advanced users should be able to refresh faster. I don't think they should get more points, but get them quicker, maybe if they put in a few credits each month they could get points every min. rather then wait for the five min mark.
I really want an expanded profile page. I have asked for it from my 3rd day in the game. It would be worth a credit or two each month to be able to customise my profile a little.
This post was last modified: 2009.Nov.20 12:55 AM by Aqualung451.

Messages In This Thread
yet another idea to over take the plumbing - Aqualung451 - 2009.Nov.20, 12:13 AM
RE: yet another idea to over take the plumbing - Aqualung451 - 2009.Nov.20 12:30 AM
RE: yet another idea to over take the plumbing - ClosedCasket - 2009.Nov.24, 05:30 PM
RE: yet another idea to over take the plumbing - Aqualung451 - 2009.Nov.26, 02:43 AM
RE: yet another idea to over take the plumbing - Chymere - 2009.Nov.26, 02:52 AM