I agree. I dont zerk much anymore b/c its a big waste of energy 2/3 of the time i bite off for more than i've zerked someone for... whoopee ding!
(2009.Sep.24 06:55 AM)bconrad56 Wrote: I think the 2.5 times the amount of energy used is a good standard. And then randomize the minutes from there so it's not always the same. Great thought, Conrad.
Umm give credit where credit is due... was not connie who thought this up:
(2009.Sep.23 10:11 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: 2.5 x the amount of energy used...
for someone my level the minimum zerk hosp time would be 155 minutes...i'd settle for that as a minimum...the higher your level the more energy you use and should be rewarded with the additional minutes....
Oops...my bad.
Edit: Great thought Duchbag!!