Poll: What is your favorite career?
Martial Arts
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Career Listings
2007.Sep.21, 03:04 PM
Career Listings
Post: #1
I decided that I wanted to look into the career that gave me the most of the stat I was trying to train. I like jumping careers, say martial arts for dexterity, to engineering for accuracy. I decided I wanted to just make a list of the most effective careers for each stat.

Strength: Construction: 4
Dexterity: Martial Arts: 4
Accuracy: Engineering: 4
Resistance: Military: 2.25
Intellegence: Science: .16
Endurance: Athletics: .09
Reputation: Politics: .04
Work Experience: Manufacturing: 2

Look at Ushanewnewba's post to see where I got the numbers. It also has the stat increase for every stat in every career, along with starting pay and base points to next level.
The Decatur Great Library now has information on abilities.

Messages In This Thread
Career Listings - MrAxis - 2007.Sep.21 03:04 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Sep.21, 08:39 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2007.Sep.21, 03:30 PM
[] - buuddha - 2007.Sep.21, 04:34 PM
[] - BlitzKrieg - 2007.Oct.21, 09:34 AM
[] - valleroy86 - 2007.Oct.21, 11:29 AM
[] - istayfly1020 - 2007.Oct.22, 07:50 PM
[] - LagoScott - 2007.Nov.10, 03:03 PM
Medical career - nap1490 - 2007.Nov.25, 10:10 AM
[] - Jolabent - 2007.Nov.25, 10:14 AM
[] - kronus - 2007.Nov.27, 02:43 PM
[] - Jolabent - 2007.Nov.27, 03:09 PM
[] - nap1490 - 2007.Nov.28, 03:27 PM
[] - bobskitty12321 - 2007.Dec.08, 01:54 PM
[] - LordSkie - 2008.May.20, 07:31 AM
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.May.20, 07:50 AM
[] - alinutza - 2008.May.20, 09:52 AM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Jul.19, 01:58 AM
[] - alinutza - 2008.Jul.19, 04:29 AM