I decided that I wanted to look into the career that gave me the most of the stat I was trying to train. I like jumping careers, say martial arts for dexterity, to engineering for accuracy. I decided I wanted to just make a list of the most effective careers for each stat.
Strength: Construction: 4
Dexterity: Martial Arts: 4
Accuracy: Engineering: 4
Resistance: Military: 2.25
Intellegence: Science: .16
Endurance: Athletics: .09
Reputation: Politics: .04
Work Experience: Manufacturing: 2
Look at Ushanewnewba's post to see where I got the numbers. It also has the stat increase for every stat in every career, along with starting pay and base points to next level.
The Decatur Great Library now has information on abilities.
ouch...and after all that work...
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thought it was also in a post for the stat gains. LOL
Ushanewnewba Wrote:http://www.bottledbrainsdirect.com/careers.htm
That is a very handy chart but is there a chart that lists the benefits of gaining ranks in each job? And what each benefit does?
It'd be REALLY helpful to have a chart of each job's benefits, what the benefit does, and at what level you get it...
Is there a chart like this?
BlitzKrieg Wrote:Ushanewnewba Wrote:http://www.bottledbrainsdirect.com/careers.htm
That is a very handy chart but is there a chart that lists the benefits of gaining ranks in each job? And what each benefit does?
It'd be REALLY helpful to have a chart of each job's benefits, what the benefit does, and at what level you get it...
Is there a chart like this?
I'm sure if people emailed Yoda with that stuff he'd somehow put it in there.

8) cmon but thx im gointo millitary
i switched my careers about a month ago, from medical to manufactoring. i was training my int with medical, but then decided i should go ahead and finish out my work experience stat. it has taken me less than 2 weeks go from lvl 2 to lvl 11.
after i'm ranked #1 for work exp (i know it is lame) i will switch to something else, probably martial arts cause i want to get my dex way up there (i have solely trained this stat in the gym)
i have taken a very different approach to the game in the past few months. i'm just stat building for now, buying my own houses/dwellings and then i'll look for a gang when i feel i'm ready to 'hang' with the big boys.
is it worth it to go to lvl. 4 medical?
I am level 4 medical already, these are my 2 job abilities to date:
Job Ability Career Points Description
Heal Self 5 This special replenishes hit points by up to 10 times the career rating on yourself.
Heal Gang Member 8 This special replenishes hit points by 10 times the career rating on any member of your gang.