Poll: Is this a good idea?
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No - Thats a waste of time, i dont care.
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Roulette & Slots, $ Log
2009.Aug.26, 07:34 PM
RE: Roulette & Slots, $ Log
Post: #2
Not such a bad idea, but would prefer it be somewhere that is only visable to the individual player. If xxx person is up 30mil, all the newbs would begin harrassing them for cash. Also, if xxx person is down 30mil, I doubt they would want the entire AL community to know that they are down that much.

Messages In This Thread
Roulette & Slots, $ Log - shadow55 - 2009.Aug.26, 06:42 PM
RE: Roulette & Slots, $ Log - BadLuck - 2009.Aug.26 07:34 PM
RE: Roulette & Slots, $ Log - shadow55 - 2009.Aug.26, 07:55 PM
RE: Roulette & Slots, $ Log - superdude - 2009.Aug.26, 07:40 PM
RE: Roulette & Slots, $ Log - Jrone88 - 2009.Sep.06, 02:26 PM