Jail Break Item Idea
2007.Apr.19, 11:05 AM
Post: #5
How bout a 5000$ item (25 credits X 200$ = 5000) or more that reduces your time in jail? Like a stim reduces the hospital time, this 1 would lower your jail time. Would come in handy when getting sentenced to 700-800 mins for attacking player X.

5000$ for 100 mins and only available at midlan or higher?

Messages In This Thread
Jail Break Item Idea - Dingus - 2007.Apr.19, 09:33 AM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Apr.19, 09:49 AM
[] - syntheticdarkness - 2007.Apr.19, 09:59 AM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Apr.19, 10:24 AM
[] - Thor - 2007.Apr.19 11:05 AM
[] - Dragon - 2007.Apr.19, 03:26 PM