How bout a $2,000 dollar hacksaw blade that you can use to escape jail. Minimum strenght needed cause those bars are solid steel. Perhaps 10 minute delay after use before your out, take a lil time to use that blade!
if anything I think it should be an item which increases the chance of you breaking out or being broken out by others. not something that does it automatically.
Ummmmm, I actually agree with Matt. :shock:
I think there are enough players that assist others with jail break that there isn't a need for that. Way to many other things that Zen is working on ATM that would take precedence. Keep up the ideas though!

How bout a 5000$ item (25 credits X 200$ = 5000) or more that reduces your time in jail? Like a stim reduces the hospital time, this 1 would lower your jail time. Would come in handy when getting sentenced to 700-800 mins for attacking player X.
5000$ for 100 mins and only available at midlan or higher?
hydro9226 Wrote:How bout a 5000$ item (25 credits X 200$ = 5000) or more that reduces your time in jail? Like a stim reduces the hospital time, this 1 would lower your jail time. Would come in handy when getting sentenced to 700-800 mins for attacking player X.
5000$ for 100 mins and only available at midlan or higher?
Good concept, but would it really make sense if you could use a stim (an item for "healing") in jail to reduce your time? I think that it would be better idea if there was a link on the jail page called some thing like "Bribe" that goes to a page which allows you to give some of your money to the "Jail Boss" to reduce your time by a certain amount, depending on how much money that you are willing to send.
For example, let us just say that you wanted to reduce around half of your jail time. All you would have to do is input about half of the amount of money that it takes to bail in the text field that is on the bribe page and submit the form. After you have done this, you lose around about half of your time. Some times you could lose more time, but then some times you could lose less time. It all depends on how generous the "Jail Boss" is feeling. Also, the higher the level that you are, the more that you have to pay off to lose more time.