ok so here's my take on it
im fairly young in AL compared to the olders ones, and ive been beat up by them all.
did i quit NO
did i keep playin YES
do i think i will ever catch pun, raf, ush or any of them NO
and why not look at the time they've put in, they have earned the right to be the top guys
this isnt the first time we have had a couple people who offer a hosping service, loki and wook did, and they put the same or more people in the hosp per day as howl and rj.
yes its a game and just like real life you have to pick ur battles and when and where you have them to get the best result.
the biggest point
unless ur ready to spend real $$ and i mean a lot you gotta set achievable goals for ur self( by the why being as strong as people like pun, raf, and ush is not realistic) ur gonna feel that way. cause everyone wants all the power right now and dont want to work for it. i for one am trying to work for my power, i work 50 hours a week and have a life away from the computer so i set goals that i can achieve like i play a couple hours a day and not goals like i play 24/7