Mail from an unknown player...
2007.Apr.05, 04:52 AM
Post: #91
From my point of view, Endurance is setup totally wrong. Endurance shouldnt increase the trains, the job endurance does in reality is too keep up the training rate in bigger trains.

Lets say 2 level 26's are doing a full Accuracy training. That's 62 Energy Points.

With Ranch and Endurance level on 10 and 20, they both should train for 1Dev point each SINGLE EP spent training.

-The thing with Endurance is that high endurance should keep up the training gain of 1 Dev point each EP spent for a longer time.

So the one person with level 20 endurance should gain 62 Dev points from a full train, cause he got endurance to train hard the entire train. He has limits to how hard he can train. And the person with low Endurance should train about 44Dev points form 62 EP train.

The only way for a person with low endurance too keep up would be too do smaller trains, but even then he wouldnt manage to keep up if they had similar activity time, since Happiness would never be at a full state.

This is my solution to it, cause I honestly believe that Endurance shouldnt increase the training gains, it should keep up the same training gains over a bigger train.

I also believe that when level power was shot down into the ground, the donating race begun. It went from an attacking race and over to the "who can donate the most" race. And in my opinion the level race was the most fair, cause it actually awarded activity, since people has to tick hunt the best targets, and even here donators held the major advantage, cause they could pull off 100-150 attacks a day, where non-donators stop at 90attacks. And it even prevented palyers that had just begun the game but had donated heavily to beat people that had spent 5months playing. You didnt see people beating other people 8-10levels higher cause of the level modifiers. And that was fair I think, cause it forced even donators to work hard.

I do see donators as the ones holding the cheat codes to the game, and once you click "Enter" to get up the chat bar and then write "/mode Godmode" and click "Enter" again. You are then unbeatable, but also the fun of catching up and staying infront are gone. 80% of the game is in the middle class, you get attacked by others and you attack others in return. You can wage "fair" wars, and you have to solve things diplomatically when you are declared war on.

Type in too many "Cheat codes" and you lose out of these parts of the game.

But I've gotten too know some of the players in question, like Fading3 and the more recent big donators, and I gotta say the recent donators have a much larger heart then the old boys had. They don't donate to the game cause they are bored and need someone to dominate. They give too gang mates and mates and generally just wants too help out, because they have a real life economic situation that allows them too.

In the past I've also done my fair share of donations, but after I started referring, I can keep myself afloat on donator days without donating. I spend some ingame cash on the credit market when it's cheap and I get some credits from referrals, and then I'm set for the most primary need.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.

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[] - LordSkie - 2007.Apr.05, 09:24 AM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Apr.05, 09:33 AM
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[] - peajew - 2007.Apr.05, 09:59 AM
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[] - Jack Daniels - 2007.Apr.11, 05:41 PM
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[] - Chris Mangano - 2007.Apr.11, 05:41 PM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2007.Apr.11, 05:43 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2007.Apr.11, 05:44 PM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2007.Apr.11, 05:46 PM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2007.Apr.11, 05:47 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2007.Apr.11, 05:50 PM
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[] - Jack Daniels - 2007.Apr.12, 02:44 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2007.Apr.12, 02:59 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2007.Apr.12, 03:30 PM
[] - Druchii - 2007.Apr.12, 04:02 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2007.Apr.12, 04:12 PM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2007.Apr.12, 04:15 PM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2007.Apr.12, 04:19 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2007.Apr.12, 04:19 PM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2007.Apr.12, 04:23 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Apr.12, 04:25 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2007.Apr.12, 04:30 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Apr.12, 04:50 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Apr.12, 05:03 PM
RE: Mail from an unknown player... - BadLuck - 2010.Aug.17, 06:19 AM