lol, u think he got ripped off, check this one, an attack from someone 15 ranks higher in stats than me (and about the same level)
Attack Type Overpowered by Defender
Attack Result Win
Total Combat Rounds 52
Experience Points Earned 166.0
Hospital Minutes for Loser 73
Attack Time Mar 24 2009 - 1:00:09 am
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Mar 23 2009 - 9:20:00 pm
Combatants AbysmalLeprechaun
Level During Fight 44 43
Starting Health 2250 Healthy
Hits 16 17
Best Hit 543 387
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 1,682 3,637
Total Damage Resisted 561 1,289
Total Damage Taken 1,121 2,348
and just to put it out there, on occasion, ive gotten as low as 80 points for people that can beat me. hmm.. but when they beat me they get 480 points. thats fair right? every time they hit me i lose 10 xp, they hit me 40 times, i win one, i get 80 back. woot! |