[FAQ] New Forum Account Activation -- How To
2009.Mar.10, 03:27 AM
[FAQ] New Forum Account Activation -- How To
Post: #1
With the switch to the new forums, all player forum accounts must be reactivated.

Activating your forum account has always required at least level 3 in-game to cut down on forum spam. Activating for the new forums is a very simple process for those level 3 and higher.
  1. Log into AL.
  2. Click on your in-game preferences link.
  3. Click on the "Activate Forum Account" link.
  4. Log into the forums. You are now activated.

See, that didn't hurt too much did it? Well I guess it does hurt a little. You'll have to redo your avatar.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin

Messages In This Thread
[FAQ] New Forum Account Activation -- How To - zenith - 2009.Mar.10 03:27 AM
RE: New Forum Account Activation -- How To - gdingks - 2009.Mar.10, 05:19 AM
RE: New Forum Account Activation -- How To - BadLuck - 2009.Mar.10, 11:52 PM
RE: New Forum Account Activation -- How To - Candra - 2009.Mar.13, 07:05 PM