i like the idea although i'm sure it could be tweaked. basically, there are many elements of this game that are not 100% necessary - gangs as of right now, except for gang crimes, are nominal. if we all wanted to, we could all just say we're in the "forum gang" and change our name to FORUMsomething and that would be the equivalent of actually having a gang.
this possible addition to the use of gang banks could be incredibly tight - gang member only +Stats (maybe like a maximum of +1 to a certain stat or +50 hp), or even if its based on RESPECT (higher respect = higher bonus. the bonuses are minimal, but still EXIST to show that being in a good gang can help)
if youre going to make these banks raidable, make them raidable only during war, make the amount of wars declared on a gang (not the wars you can declare) be limited (your gang can only be warred on once per day, for example), and make it so you can not withdraw funds during a war, only spend them on gang-only expenses that may assist during the war
this could also lead to many other aspects - gang only weapons (not necessarily better, but coupled with a +Stat might be an edge against other gangs), other gang items, gang only housing (again, not better, but maybe CHEAPER that other housing and the original upgrade could be expensive)
clarification: you would need to spend a lot of money to PRODUCE the weapons and housing but they would be cheaper in the long run |