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New gang idea - Printable Version

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New gang idea - Saerin - 2007.Mar.30 10:41 AM

First a Few facts:

1) All Gangs have a bank That members donate to.

2) as of now that money is untouchable except by the president and VP

My proposal is this:

We give the gangs a HQ where the money is kept. Then The gang can buy upgrades that benefit the gang in some way (such as a small boost in stats, connections that give them shorter jail times, etc...). Then we make the HQ raidable by Other gangs. Of course this would be difficult and may have serious consequences but could add a new dimension to gang wars.

Further more the upgrades that are purchased would have a upkeep that needs to be paid thus causing a need for gangs to have members that donate.

well fire away and tell me what you think.

- matt5250 - 2007.Mar.30 10:53 AM

I'd say that as soon as you get into a gang war someone from the gang would just hold the gang funds in their bank account.

- Saerin - 2007.Mar.30 10:58 AM

Then they run the risk of getting mugged repeatedly. besides there could be a limit on the money taken and it could only be done once a gang it would be limited and you wouldnt be able to entirely rob the gang blind

- matt5250 - 2007.Mar.30 11:04 AM

actually they wouldnt run any risk of getting mugged because it would be in their bank account. and limiting th money you can take out? people would never donate in the first place beyond what would be needed to upkeep the gang. Unless the gang provides some other service with this new system, gangs are already expensive enough, too expensive if you ask me. I doubt this would work very well.

- Druchii - 2007.Mar.30 12:01 PM

and besides, the gang bank doesnt give rent, so you already lose out from keeping cash in gang bank

- pimpsta101 - 2007.Mar.30 02:08 PM

LAME idea

- abysmalpoptart - 2007.Mar.30 02:12 PM

i like the idea although i'm sure it could be tweaked. basically, there are many elements of this game that are not 100% necessary - gangs as of right now, except for gang crimes, are nominal. if we all wanted to, we could all just say we're in the "forum gang" and change our name to FORUMsomething and that would be the equivalent of actually having a gang.

this possible addition to the use of gang banks could be incredibly tight - gang member only +Stats (maybe like a maximum of +1 to a certain stat or +50 hp), or even if its based on RESPECT (higher respect = higher bonus. the bonuses are minimal, but still EXIST to show that being in a good gang can help)

if youre going to make these banks raidable, make them raidable only during war, make the amount of wars declared on a gang (not the wars you can declare) be limited (your gang can only be warred on once per day, for example), and make it so you can not withdraw funds during a war, only spend them on gang-only expenses that may assist during the war

this could also lead to many other aspects - gang only weapons (not necessarily better, but coupled with a +Stat might be an edge against other gangs), other gang items, gang only housing (again, not better, but maybe CHEAPER that other housing and the original upgrade could be expensive)

clarification: you would need to spend a lot of money to PRODUCE the weapons and housing but they would be cheaper in the long run

- pimpsta101 - 2007.Mar.30 02:24 PM

without gangs this game wouldnt be as much fun.
i like how it is now having as many wars a day as you want, cause then you cant be attacked by multiple gangs at the same time.
I think there should be a gang forum only in the gang.

- abysmalpoptart - 2007.Mar.30 06:52 PM

well then maybe if there is a bank, make it so your bank cant be repeatedly raided or the concept would be ruined. but i think you get the idea - obviously many things are flexible, you just have to look at the overall concept

the overall concept: doing more with gangs and banks, possibly adding gang only upgrades, adding a new element to wars

details can be adjusted, voted on, etc

- psheehan78 - 2007.Mar.30 07:29 PM

Can I get a job at this bank you speak of? I'm sick of working at McDonalds or McAdams or where ever the hell I work.