TommiTheTaco Wrote:8:00 AM - 3:59:59 PM
Bust Challenge
Who can bust out the most minutes from jail? Only jail sentences that are resulting from crime/OC failures will be counted. Busting yourself out also does not count. Top three individuals will get prizes. Player with the highest bust gets a tag, unless there is a tie. Person who gets busted out the most minutes from crime failures by others also gets a tag.
Where does it say 'if you bust the people who failed at busting the criminals out of jail, it adds to your total'?
I happen to not see it. You can't have something that's not there.
+1 Leave the rules as they are. Unless you want to move the contest to the first "Friday the 11th" after labor day. Then you could change all the rules and leave enough time for people to look them over and everyone could add what ever rule they want. You could call it the make your own rules first "Friday the 11th" after labor day Valentines day bust contest.
I think everyone in AL should by Zen a drink!!! She needs a few after having to put up with us.