al idiot of the week awards
2009.Feb.01, 03:46 PM
al idiot of the week awards
Post: #1
so in the past/present/future we've had lots of not so smart, kind, forgiving, honest, . . . people in the community. i think we should have some kind of sticky in the general topics. with the al idiot of the day/week/month award. maybe we could give them prizes depending on thier reason for winning this prestigious award. for example the whiner would get a violin. or the scammer gets a hosp stay for a week, and so on.

we could all vote on the winner(s). what do you think?
2009.Feb.01, 03:49 PM
Post: #2
i like the idea but not hosp stay for scammer give them a custom weapon that they cant equip or sumthin lol

If I want to manufacture biological weapons with my copy of iTunes, I will, fascists. Ditch this bullshit.
6.) You hit for 1245 points of damage. **** resists 34 for a total of 1211 damage.
2009.Feb.01, 03:50 PM
Post: #3
This sounds like a fun idea, but someone is going to whine and it will turn into a big flame fest.

Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass
2009.Feb.01, 03:51 PM
Post: #4
What made this idea come up ?.
2009.Feb.01, 03:56 PM
Post: #5
would have to be bi-monthly or something cuz otherwise the awards would get boring
2009.Feb.01, 04:02 PM
Post: #6
abysmalpoptart Wrote:would have to be bi-monthly or something cuz otherwise the awards would get boring

2009.Feb.01, 05:03 PM
Post: #7
I'm a shue in for idiot of a lifetime award...

I smoke like a chimney, matta fact I smoke like a gun when the killer sees his enemy
2009.Feb.01, 05:08 PM
Post: #8
Need to add a Seriously Lacking any kind of Netiquette column!

Anyone who bothers to whine about being voted on should think about why they are even on there. With everyone voting on it then it would be deserved!

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
2009.Feb.01, 05:20 PM
Post: #9
lets do it, seems like it could be fun Twisted
2009.Feb.01, 06:11 PM
Re: al idiot of the week awards
Post: #10
Shotokan Wrote:so in the past/present/future we've had lots of not so smart, kind, forgiving, honest, . . . people in the community. i think we should have some kind of sticky in the general topics. with the al idiot of the day/week/month award. maybe we could give them prizes depending on thier reason for winning this prestigious award. for example the whiner would get a violin. or the scammer gets a hosp stay for a week, and so on.

we could all vote on the winner(s). what do you think?

congratulations, you win. Wink

Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.