working on holidays
2008.Sep.01, 12:03 PM
Post: #11
mudpies Wrote:sounds like they have some good jobs.

what about all the police staff.

lol They are on permanent holiday around here.

Aww the twinks are all gathering together!
2008.Sep.01, 12:43 PM
Post: #12
millions dont have the day off, but that doesnt make those sitting at home with leisure time the minority -.-
2008.Sep.01, 01:01 PM
Post: #13
Keep thinking that then.
2008.Sep.01, 08:45 PM
Post: #14
millions of people are of latin descent, therefore, in the USA, white people are in the minority

true or false?
2008.Sep.01, 09:13 PM
Post: #15

in California, true. For all of the USA, not yet.
2008.Sep.01, 09:27 PM
Post: #16
exactly Smile
2008.Sep.01, 09:35 PM
Post: #17
I still say there are more adults who had to work today than those who have the benefit of time off for federal holidays.
2008.Sep.01, 09:38 PM
Post: #18
Prob more had to work. All retail and service industry was opporating today. I would be interested in some statistics though.

Aww the twinks are all gathering together!
2008.Sep.01, 09:49 PM
Post: #19
BlackHand Wrote:Prob more had to work. All retail and service industry was opporating today. I would be interested in some statistics though.
Ace hardware was closed.
2008.Sep.01, 10:43 PM
Post: #20
The porn store is open. That's all that really matters.