Summer Olympics
2008.Aug.12, 08:39 PM
BSOD at the
Post: #11 at Olympics

check out the link .... its crazy to see but someone caught it

2008.Aug.12, 08:40 PM
Post: #12
hmm, maybe plus +xxx health or something! That would be cool!

If stupidity bothers you, click here for a solution.
2008.Aug.12, 08:40 PM
Post: #13
PropositionJoe Wrote:Separate training contest for donators & non donators. Separate winners for strength, Acc, Dex, Res.

Medals are awarded instead of prizes. Each medal enhances the player 1 level of any stat.

I like your thinking PJoe but the +1 stat level for the winner should be in the stat they trained for the contest.
2008.Aug.12, 08:40 PM
Post: #14
Didn't we just have a contest?
2008.Aug.12, 08:46 PM
Post: #15
I think a slightly more useful version of the Silver Turkey would be good.

Maybe a random excuse maker.

"I lost to X because of Y."

Like a magic 8 ball for excuses. That would rock.

I just hope they give out tags for 4th place.
2008.Aug.12, 09:27 PM
Post: #16
LOL snoop! I never would have imagined!