how did you origanly find awakened lands
2006.Dec.18, 02:18 PM
how did you origanly find awakened lands
Post: #1
me it was a google ad when serching for torncity you guys
2006.Dec.18, 04:57 PM
Post: #2
Chris referred me Biggrin
2006.Dec.18, 05:01 PM
Post: #3
Soldier referred me (I think his original name was spyder)

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
2006.Dec.18, 11:01 PM
Post: #4
it was in the ads.
2006.Dec.18, 11:54 PM
Post: #5
Dru bullied me into it... Mrgreen
2006.Dec.19, 12:48 AM
Post: #6
google ad when searching for torn city it asked me if i was sick of the lagg after being kicked out of tc for whatever reason i said yes why yes i am and came here to join you's
2006.Dec.19, 01:02 AM
Post: #7
I did a Google search after getting sick of another Criminal game. Now i cant get enough of this--nthing even gets close to this game, best thing i did was find this.
2006.Dec.19, 04:51 PM
Post: #8
myself and some others, after being recruited by Wilson, built a 400+ post message on a forum frequented by silly Phish phans. They thought we were crazy.
2006.Dec.19, 05:07 PM
Post: #9
mudpies Wrote:myself and some others, after being recruited by Wilson, built a 400+ post message on a forum frequented by silly Phish phans. They thought we were crazy.

Hehe, and I read that topic I believe because we were getting tons of hits from it.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2006.Dec.19, 07:08 PM
Post: #10
mudpies Wrote:myself and some others, after being recruited by Wilson, built a 400+ post message on a forum frequented by silly Phish phans. They thought we were crazy.

is it phantasytour that your talking about?