AL compatability with blackberry pearl (verizon)
2008.May.11, 09:04 PM
Post: #11
there's a few independent cell phone stores here in the city that say they do that.

does that mess with my contract or service at all?
2008.May.11, 09:08 PM
Post: #12
no doesnt affect your contract/service at all. i've been using unlocked phones since i started using a cell phone back in the day. there are ways you can get it unlocked for free, your service provider might do it for you if you know what to say. i've unlocked a couple of mine myself you just gotta becareful otherwise you might "brick" your cell phone as in it'll never work again.
2008.May.11, 09:15 PM
Post: #13
I'll try that, thank you.
2008.May.12, 09:54 AM
Post: #14
I didnt do mine myself, but had a techie friend unlock mine. You are dunzo with the phone if it gets messed up in the process.
2008.Jun.01, 02:18 PM
Post: #15
well i was just at the verizon store and tried to log onto al with a palm phone and several blackberries and nothing worked. any ideas? maybe there is some sort of restriction at the store? the web browsing seemed normal though?
2008.Jun.01, 02:48 PM
Post: #16
switch to ATT and get the Tilt.

[Image: 1737925938_532fe4270c.jpg]
2008.Jun.01, 02:49 PM
Post: #17
i'm not really looking to change carriers at this time. i like verizon but want to get confirmation from some peeps that al does work on their network
2008.Jun.01, 03:11 PM
Post: #18
If ever to use a Blackberry and main goal is Al, i'd recommend a regular over the Pearl. Too small, less browsing friendly.

8:50 pm BlackHand attacked you and lost.
2008.Jun.01, 03:33 PM
Post: #19
yeah, when i was looking i think i'm goin with the curve
2008.Jun.01, 06:58 PM
Post: #20
I hate to say it, but I think it's a Verizon thing. I've not heard one verizon user say they can even log in... unless they got their phone cracked.