Getting Mugged 7 times in a row
2008.Mar.13, 12:35 PM
Post: #21
0,o SK did this?
2008.Mar.13, 12:53 PM
Post: #22
2008.Mar.13, 12:56 PM
Post: #23
Come on buddy spit it all out. Smile
2008.Mar.13, 01:32 PM
Post: #24
biffbaffboff Wrote:Come on buddy spit it all out. Smile

This is not a flame thread, please keep on topic. Thanks

***Women are like phones: They like to be held, talked to, and touched often. But push the wrong button and your arse will be disconnected!***

**The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good.**
2008.Mar.13, 01:48 PM
Post: #25
Can you direct me to the flame thread please? As I am sure a number of posters would like to know where it is.

Thanks Jola-Mod!
2008.Mar.13, 01:53 PM
Post: #26
Fractaleyes Wrote:Can you direct me to the flame thread please? As I am sure a number of posters would like to know where it is.

Thanks Jola-Mod!

I'll make you a star in the back seat of my car.
2008.Mar.13, 01:58 PM
Post: #27
Sticky: These Forums Are Closed

Can I flame here about a forum that I am unable to flame in?
2008.Mar.13, 02:02 PM
Post: #28
Fractaleyes Wrote:Sticky: These Forums Are Closed

Can I flame here about a forum that I am unable to flame in?

Sure buddy, flame Geek, it was his brainchild...

here is the link I was trying to post

I'll make you a star in the back seat of my car.
2008.Mar.13, 02:14 PM
Post: #29
al4life cracks me up
2008.Mar.13, 02:17 PM
Post: #30
In light of the new information concerning the correct address of said flaming forums, I do not believe that Geek should be the recipient of any flaming.

I do however find that the poster of the wrong Forum address is not only responsible of misleading the general public, but also for dragging Geek's name through the mud. For these two reason's a public flaming of said poster is in order.


As you try to diffuse a situation with the help of an outside resource, you have in turn creat6ed more issues. Not only have you gone ahead and provided false information, but you have also taken a contributing, well mannered member of our community and made him out to be a misleading slacker.

With your position of authority put in place, issues such as these should not be taken lightly. The affront you have imposed on the general public is uncalled for and unfair.

Thank you for the open opportunity to flame an I hope you take these issues to heart and conciously change them day by day by day.