lol for cyborgs in a gang
2008.Feb.16, 12:26 PM
Post: #11
Ushanewnewba Wrote:with gang pvp battles soon to begin, cyborgs have the benefit of slow health refresh, which means stimming out and relaxing more Smile

but but, during war we'll be fair game no matter what our HP is

...unless that's changed since the discussion
2008.Feb.16, 06:35 PM
Post: #12
haven't heard and excellent point!

If stupidity bothers you, click here for a solution.
2008.Feb.21, 06:47 AM
Post: #13
How did a discussion on cyborgs and hos switch into a gang war discussion? Let's not forget to focus on the topic here.
2008.Feb.21, 07:00 AM
Post: #14
Which is rephrasing the OP's post and trying to make sense of it?

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2008.Feb.21, 07:03 AM
Post: #15
Now that's just asking for the impossible.
2008.Feb.26, 03:53 PM
Post: #16
ushanewnewba, peep the irony, considering the under 50% attacks in gang battles now