(2010.Nov.30 06:31 PM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: (2010.Nov.30 05:49 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: you are gonna need armor sooner or later, the top armors give +6 stats, making them worthwhile, resistance also helps with lowering damage received...
and your LBM not gun 
but you also don't need to be all BangNapi either
for melee those armors take forever to be worthwhile. the top modifier armor for melee wouldn't be worthwhile until you had 119 strength and dex each going by just the modifier
it takes 146845 dev points total to get to rank 44 in resistance
being the conversion rate is smaller for resistance i believe a res train is 66% of train of any other stat....so it equals out to 195304 dev points elsewhere in the gym.
at rank 44 you get plus 6 strength minus 3 dex...
borg out the minus
6 equal levels of strength from levels 81-87 is 214295 dev points
you can get the same amount of strength levels in less time if you train resistance up to the armor and borg out your minus....
you also get the added benefit of what the armor will do towards resistance, and what the resistance stat does when it comes to damage....
from level 78-84 its 199355 dev points so once you reach that area you can do all the resistance plus get those same 6 stats at the same time....