Which weapon would be best to start training for. I am looking for personal combat fighting.
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If you are a non donar use long blade
(2010.Nov.25 04:20 PM)HarryJohnson Wrote: [ -> ]Which weapon would be best to start training for. I am looking for personal combat fighting.
Talk with Inpace...he is the Ultimate Master of All weapons...

Long bladed melee is best donator or not. Just train the crap out of str and dexterity. You can ignore resistance and accuracy.
Take a career in martial arts or construction.
(2010.Nov.26 11:08 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Nov.25 04:35 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Shotgun. Acc and Dex.
I hate you....your avatar is better
Wu Tang'd
(2010.Nov.26 08:51 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Long bladed melee is best donator or not. Just train the drek out of str and dexterity. You can ignore resistance and accuracy.
Take a career in martial arts or construction.
Shotgun is better than any weapon at the top level after the damage adjustment. Other than that, I've heard that Blunt is the best, though it requires Int training.
I, personally, would go axe or lbm. Either are good, Axe just seems to be more consistent at the lower levels. He's right about ignoring acc and res.