(2010.Nov.01 07:15 PM)cheetah Wrote: Dear Glenn,
You asked us this morning if we "are done yet". Couple problems with that:
1) you said your gang would not stop unless we publicly surrendered in the forums
2) you think we will just quit with the words "done yet"
3) SVs are NEVER done (have you seen inception? SV rapes in their dreams. and i dont mean "pwn"), whether it be lights out, or dealing with idiots, like Dingus, who started a hosping war, by hosping one of ours online....you know, or should well know by now, you hosp an SV, esp online, you've started something that you will have to surrender to finish.
4) If you think the rules you want to apply to us, don't apply to you (surrender on the forums), then you're more delusional (funny b/c its referring to gang "honor") than any of us ever thought!
Now, coward (i'm afraid of the intertubez), quit hiding! You are pres of your gang, yet you stay in higher districts and do not defend your gang. What a role model (all internet "winners" are model citizens)!
You just confirm that the gang SV built is something you and yours will never have. Enjoy your hiding, and abandoning your lower levels.
Fight well lost for you, and I pitty (misspelled, AND funny) the disgrace (your damn intertubez) you have brought upon your gang!
Sleep well with that (i messed up on AL, now i cant sleep), sorry excuse of a gang president!
what always amusing me when reading cheetah's posts is the seriousness with which she takes the roleplaying aspect of this game, a side that practically nobody else does (if anyone).
just thought i'd point that out and highlight a few key phrases she used that made me laugh for a good while