Information about the bannings
2010.Mar.24, 10:23 PM
RE: Information about the bannings
Post: #81
mudpies was pretty awesome, when he was doing his hosp frenzy on people, i just threw him ID's and he'd do it no questions asked haha

kick the real world in the sac
2010.Mar.24, 10:27 PM
RE: Information about the bannings
Post: #82
What's the difference between calling someone a rainbow warrior and a wh0re? Lets ban everyone and move on with life. I expect postcards for winter solstice.

Free Crunchy!

He's a sexy beast

Aww the twinks are all gathering together!
2010.Mar.24, 10:35 PM
RE: Information about the bannings
Post: #83
(2010.Mar.24 10:21 PM)Howlsong Wrote:  
(2010.Mar.24 09:30 PM)cheetah Wrote:  It's all about the money. If it's true Weebs could come back, but isn't, then yeh, time to welcome back Mud. One donator to replace another.

Still one unanswered question, why is 8 Wh0re points still not banned? She started it, she made personal accusations on Al forums, yet no action against wh0re, I mean her, so WTF?

She clearly made insults first, and egged Weebs on.

A lot of people, even in rival gangs, liked Weebs, don't think the same can be said for wh0re.

Howl, as soon as you level, and you're ready, lmk, I would be glad to coordinate our online times with you on this one!

It would be a pleasure cheetah

(2010.Mar.24 09:49 PM)McCule Wrote:  Bring back the Jeep and MP!

Yeah Black Jeep weren't so bad he can be very respectful when he wants to be... Smirk

Glad you guys made up over this common tragedy-and that SV has DM as a training gang again. Rolleyes

“Cannibalism? Racism? Dude, that’s not for us ... those decisions are better left to the suits in Washington. We’re just here to eat some dude!”
2010.Mar.24, 10:37 PM
RE: Information about the bannings
Post: #84
thrill i like where the union of howl and cheetah is going... need to change back to quags so i can say "giggity".... "alllllllll right!"

give her the bowling ball grip, two in the pink and one in the stink.

all cats are grey in the dark.
2010.Mar.24, 10:59 PM
RE: Information about the bannings
Post: #85
The 2 of you can dream on. We are our own gang. As far as I know we have no allies and we are by far not babies.

The fact is almost every woman in the game other than 8star herself (i doubt that tho) knows she's a sh1t stirrer and has driven off valuable players for some sadistic pleasure of her own making. We wont stand for it. If she's not going to be Fed Jailed for her actions then we will deliver her just dues ourselves.

Using your Riot Axe you hit for 4724 points of damage. XXX resists 102 for a total of 4622 damage.

steve says
steve says
you sure got some big chesticles, howl
2010.Mar.24, 11:03 PM
RE: Information about the bannings
Post: #86
Hey wait up, that's not why I hosp'd her. She mailed me to stir up more drek.

Though I do agree it's a pretty feminine reaction. Guys - you just can't understand this. It's visceral, the type from an organ you don't have.

I'm just glad there are 2 very powerful women around AL.
2010.Mar.24, 11:07 PM
RE: Information about the bannings
Post: #87
(2010.Mar.24 11:03 PM)Chymere Wrote:  Hey wait up, that's not why I hosp'd her. She mailed me to stir up more drek.

Though I do agree it's a pretty feminine reaction. Guys - you just can't understand this. It's visceral, the type from an organ you don't have.

I'm just glad there are 2 very powerful women around AL.

what do you want to bring conrad and spacebird into this for?

give her the bowling ball grip, two in the pink and one in the stink.

all cats are grey in the dark.
2010.Mar.24, 11:09 PM
RE: Information about the bannings
Post: #88
Hey, don't judge. Some of us enjoy male on male action.
2010.Mar.24, 11:45 PM
RE: Information about the bannings
Post: #89
(2010.Mar.24 03:55 PM)zenith Wrote:  Now that I feel the Weebay/Marlo situation has come to a close, I guess it's time for an explanation.

First of all, this was obviously not an easy decision for me.  I have been extremely conflicted over this for the last two weeks, but Weebay's inaction and non-response to me forced my hand.  I gave him several days to respond to my last email, which never happened.  I decided giving him a 2-day suspension was the only way I could get through to him.

Weebay is a good person and a very well-respected player and moderator.  I felt very comfortable with him in the forums, and trusted his judgement.  He seemed the type of person who'd be a great co-worker because you never had to wonder if he was doing his job or not.

When EightStars initially posted a picture of herself with another player, the topic seemed innocent enough.  If she had an ulterior motive I don't know.  Maybe she did. Let's assume so.  In any event, the topic was not an issue until post #27 (Weebay's initial response).  Prior to that moment, if the topic had been offensive, harassing, demeaning, or humiliating to him, he had the power to lock it, remove it, or report it to me or another moderator.

It's unfair to assume all moderators read every single post, because it's not a realistic expectation.  But by responding to it, he obviously was aware of it.   I can't fault a moderator for getting frustrated from what is posted about them.  If he had merely modded it or told me he felt it was over-the-line, we wouldn't have the situation we have today.

Shortly after the topic started turning on EightStars, it was moved it into the Battleground so it could not be modded.

Weebay mailed me to say he felt his integrity was being attacked, and that he wanted to post private text messages from her in the forum.  I told him it was out of the question and inappropriate.  I advised him to take a different path, because furthering things were not going to make the situation better for anyone.  The next day he posts everything on the Awakened Lands Facebook Group.  He unfortunately made a topic in the forums with a link to the content, thus bringing it directly into our forums.

Our next correspondence was me warning him that the next step he took was going to dictate the outcome.  Again, I tried to direct him in a way that would make his point yet not go over the line.  He continued to delay responding to me so the attacks could be taken up by his friends and the harassment could continue.

Recently I became aware of a cover-up when looking in the logs.  Prior to EightStar's original post being moved to the unmodded forum, it appears Weebay thought he was responding from an alternative forum account instead of his own.  After noticing the mistake, he had his erroneous post deleted.  It was already quoted by a couple of other players and labeled "suspicious", but then as usual the topic went in another direction. When I discovered this information, I didn't want to believe it.

I really do regret things ended up the way they did.  Everyone tells me not to step in, however in this case I feel if I had stepped in sooner we'd still have him around.  I felt Weebay AND Marlo were in violation of multiple rules, yet their suspensions were not intended to be long.  They have decided on their own to make the temporary suspensions permanent.

Marlo's case is another story.  His constant attacks and harassment against EightStars were beyond inappropriate.  Almost every post he made was derogatory and against the TOS. Unfortunately for him, he went too far.

Why isn't she fed jail'd?...or are we gunna lose some more good players from bans before people are satisfied?
This post was last modified: 2010.Mar.24 11:49 PM by Monk.

3:36 pm You received $36 from Mac.

12,600,036$ robbed from him.
2010.Mar.24, 11:48 PM
RE: Information about the bannings
Post: #90
(2010.Mar.24 10:59 PM)Howlsong Wrote:  The 2 of you can dream on. We are our own gang. As far as I know we have no allies and we are by far not babies.

The fact is almost every woman in the game other than 8star herself (i doubt that tho) knows she's a sh1t stirrer and has driven off valuable players for some sadistic pleasure of her own making. We wont stand for it. If she's not going to be Fed Jailed for her actions then we will deliver her just dues ourselves.

First, DM is by far no baby gang!

That said, if it were not for the GCB which I am not atm willing to give up, I would love to see one thing happen! A revival of the Villains Vixens (although without the Villains tag, as it would involve females from many gangs, and would simply be again, an all RL girl gang) The reason for forming it would be to defend Weebs, to punish e-wh0res, and to show we girls can kick ass without the help of "men" who think they are superior in this game.

Just a what if--me, Howl, Bec, Jola, Snoop, Eff, Granny/Sis, Dusti, Snow Leopardess, BlackMamba, Tess, Breeze, NestaVipers, TealJade, and anyone I'm sorry I overlooked, except of course obviously 8....if it weren't for the damned gcb, if we all joined up for just a weekend at that, I think we could wreak some real havoc upon AL, and make the guys with their sexist remarks shut their f'n mouths once and for all! And we would have a damn fun time doing it!

Even though it won't happen, think about it guys, IF we did all join up, you would all be toast! And no we wouldn't share our stories, or our pics of our pillow fights in our nighties with you anyways!

Damn GCB, without it I would so be recruiting this!