LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
2010.Feb.27, 09:43 AM
RE: LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
Post: #131
[Image: FFVIICC__Dumbapples_and_Honour_by_Risachantag.jpg]

Support your local 81

(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2010.Feb.27, 09:51 AM
RE: LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
Post: #132
(2010.Feb.27 09:43 AM)Brugada Wrote:  [Image: FFVIICC__Dumbapples_and_Honour_by_Risachantag.jpg]


Whatever leniency I extended to you and your comrades before, may have been in error. If you persist in halting our course, we will burn your pathetic fleet down to the last man.
2010.Feb.27, 10:32 AM
RE: LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
Post: #133

Support your local 81

(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2010.Feb.27, 10:58 AM
RE: LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
Post: #134
the "diplomatic approach" sure has been taken to new heights on this one.

You're on a gravy train with biscuit wheels. -Ernie McCracken
2010.Feb.27, 01:06 PM
RE: LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
Post: #135
(2010.Feb.27 01:40 AM)Chymere Wrote:  
(2010.Feb.26 09:39 PM)DustiWoot Wrote:  Since when did all of Val get lumped into this drek? I pretty much mind my own business while playing and didn't know anything about this drek.

The only thing I've been told is that Leg would be back to playing when his internet situation was resolved. This isn't a gang issue it's a Leg issue. The end.

He joined back Val, Val could've paid in a flash, decided not to and they started hosping and threatening whoever touched Leg,
wasting everyone's time with unnecessary drama and lengthy self-important emails. It's reached a type of consensus in which Val was heavily involved. Entirely too much energy was wasted, as is often the case with these things.

Suffice to say... honour is very subjective.
Can't say I ever saw a Val member hosp someopne over this. Doesent mean it hasent happened, but where is the proof? As I said Ive not seen any hosp in defence of him.
2010.Feb.27, 03:22 PM
RE: LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
Post: #136
(2010.Feb.27 01:06 PM)JohnRambo Wrote:  Can't say I ever saw a Val member hosp someopne over this. Doesent mean it hasent happened, but where is the proof? As I said Ive not seen any hosp in defence of him.

TurkeyJurkey and MrPickles were hosped and more threats of hospings were mailed. Actual proof is long gone in 24-hour pvp logs, but mails remain. I'm sure your pres will share his past words with you, or you can ask the hospees personally.
2010.Feb.27, 03:24 PM
RE: LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
Post: #137
One would think that as the founder of Val Biffi would know these things. Sheesh.

Support your local 81

(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2010.Feb.28, 10:53 AM
RE: LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
Post: #138
(2010.Feb.25 10:06 PM)McCule Wrote:  we wouldn't let an inactive player take up a roster spot. Simple as that

sorry, had to.

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You're on a gravy train with biscuit wheels. -Ernie McCracken
2010.Feb.28, 11:15 AM
RE: LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
Post: #139
Ooooops your on to us!
2010.Feb.28, 11:18 AM
RE: LEGofLAMBofGOD [11039] the thief??
Post: #140
(2010.Feb.28 11:15 AM)JohnRambo Wrote:  Ooooops your on to us!

you're. Come on g2, you're slacking

Whatever bitch. I'm a pegasus pony.