(2010.Jan.11 01:18 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: Again, quit crying. It's been brought up a few times before, and your guilt trip isn't forcing things to move forward.
Are you serious? How much further forward is the game from a year ago? How many times have the community wanted something sorted out only to be let down by the admins? Where to start, exp, borg removal, careers, housing the list is endless.
And what have we actually got this last year? A few trinkets and some armor. Wow that'll cut it won't it. Where is the $xxx orso a day the game makes actually going? Cause it aint into game advancement.
Its not actually
THAT hard to code a few things here and there. Most likely some of these long standing issues could be resolved with a few hours of actual work.
Forcing things to go forward? Your off your tree mate. Yes ive just got a nice fat "long overdue" debt paid me back and a fat bank balance right now. So if I decide to hand a chunk of it over I want to know what exactly is it going to be used on. If I dont see any improvements then the cash will stay in my bank. That is my choice to do. Zen knows my donating capabilities, she will also note ivenot donated in a good while. Ive been waiting to see things improve and they have not.
Someone even asked Zen to come on the forums and explain why she broke all manner of promises made last year, leaving us with a dated and unimproved game. She did not answer, showing contempt for everyone of us.
I will continue to play the game, I will just keep levelling until I see these things resolved. Not another cent will be donated until major improvements are made, and just ignoring us won't make things better either.