Attacking Offline
2007.Jun.13, 12:12 PM
Attacking Offline
Post: #1
seeing as how I have had 3 people recently complain that they were not offline long enough for me to attack I would like to know the unwritten rule to the unwritten rule of how long a player must be offline before some can attack them.
2007.Jun.13, 12:16 PM
Post: #2
i attack as soon as soon someone get ofline(15 minuts)
If someone complain i send them Stim-pack sometimes though
2007.Jun.13, 12:24 PM
Post: #3
I've asked the same question before and respones ranged from as soon as it says offline not away to 2 hours. 30 minutes i wait if i'm fealing patient enough.
2007.Jun.13, 12:26 PM
Post: #4
The problem I have is this:

I think this no attacking while online is getting out of control.

I have been told to wait 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 1 hour, already this week.

Get real.

I get attacked by players while I was posting a message and I ask for a stim pack to get out and the response I get is you were at away status get over it. I have since given up on complaining. The way I see it is this...if I lose 20 minutes then I lose 20 minutes...nothing too imporetant has been lost. Im just sick and tired of all the complaining I was only gone for 25 minutes why you attack me
2007.Jun.13, 12:34 PM
Post: #5
I have people complaining when they have been offline for hours before and after the attack.
2007.Jun.13, 12:36 PM
Post: #6
I usually give people 30 mins. If they've hit me or a gang member within that 15-30 minute window, though, I consider them fair game to take down at 15 mins on the nose (and will make a point of catching them right at that 15 minute mark).

0-15 minutes, red light
15-30 mins, yellow light
30+ mins, green light

is kind of how I see it.
2007.Jun.13, 01:23 PM
Post: #7
personally i see people hitting me after 30 mins as fair enough, i usually leave an hour, but as im one of grovers complainers (20 mins) id be curious what the majority think. Im with rafal, if they come back online and i spot it, i usually chuck em a stim or two

Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2007.Jun.13, 01:53 PM
Post: #8
I was told when i joined that 30 mins was more than enough time... thats what i tell my referrals and thats what i have posted on my gang page.... If I have been gone that long i consider myself fair game.
2007.Jun.13, 02:51 PM
Post: #9
There is still no rule about it, if people start attacking others online, there's nothing that person can do beside counter-attack or get some1else to hospitalize them a few times to get the point across. Zen won't do jack since it is not her rule.

I'm also with Mtn for how I see it, I usually wait to 30 mins for last action but I have a very long memory, some people could get attacked before that.

There's also a few people that if I see them online a few minutes after I attacked them (giving I attacked at 30-35 minutes, not 2 hours offline) that I'll send them stims. I hate beggars by the way.

But the real problem behind all this, is not to be or not to be attacked. It's the fact that people are 1- lazy to refresh the page while they do something else on the pc 2- they don't understand the game very well and they forgot that stims were made for those who comes online while in the hospital, not as art pieces to be exposed in the stores and 3- humans were made to complain about anything that don't go their way, nobody can fight it, some just learned when to shut up and keep it inside.

I don't like being attacked online either but if half the population would start doing it, I'd join in and in 3 months nobody would remember that false rule.

p.s. If you attacked me and I sent you a mail about it, it's not to complain but because I checked the time and I wasn't offline like some people claim. But those are pretty rare since I always refresh the page every 5-10 when I'm here, not every 29 or 35.
2007.Jun.13, 05:28 PM
Post: #10
25-30 mins is quite OK, unwritten rule like you say.

Problem with attacking at 15-20 never know when that person is resigning online. And you basically hit him for what? Because he was online for 10-15 seconds and you didn't see it.

I play FIFA07 online all the time when I am at home. The game is 12mins sharpio. Breaks, subs, chichat 15 mins. I always try to refresh at 14-15 minutes to stay online/away. I get offline after 15 mins...I sign it at 16...I am in hospital. Very much unfair...happend to me like 4-5 times. I once signed online and after 10 secs I was hit, probably the guy never checked the status...just boom.

So I don't want to annoy anybody, but after 25 mins you are offline IMO.

Just my 2 cents,