Mail from an unknown player...
2007.Apr.03, 10:40 PM
Post: #51
I didn't think of an elder/doomed either, as said in the last line not all the posts we make are about them.

Sorry for the confusion.
2007.Apr.03, 10:41 PM
Post: #52
I say a 50-50 ration stats vs level si just fine. As far as I know its 70% stats and 30% level now.

It makes sense for level to give you a boost, but also stats should make a difference in the battle.

That if you are allowed to play...
Just my 2 cents


PS Zen would you be so kind and publish the name of the sender. This way you'll eliminate any doubt whether its a this or that or a duck or a camper or a...whatever.
2007.Apr.03, 10:56 PM
Post: #53
I try to only donate 20-40 a month. try. I'm jealous of those that can dump a lot of cash here but I respect their ability to do so.

The sender of the letter should remain anonymous imho. It was sent to Zen, not to the forum. If he or she wants to out themself, then so be it.
2007.Apr.03, 11:12 PM
Post: #54
should stay anonymous, doesn't matter who it came from. they had some valid issues that is all that matters.
2007.Apr.03, 11:13 PM
Post: #55
i already mentioned that the guys who donate arent bullying there fore im not too upset, but its the competition element and being 100% unable to compete with that amount of donation

please read all posts before you make statements like that hydro

i wubs you!!11!111 <3 <3 <3
2007.Apr.04, 12:43 AM
Post: #56
In my opinion old battle system was much beter that new one. Training is very simple and quick you just press train button. Other hand to gain exp you have first to choose right target not to strong becouse you lose or to weak becouse you dont gain much exp. you have to change districts from time to time wait till your tagets go out from hospital or to rebulid your Hp. That take much more time and commitment that just presssing train energy/Happiness Refill buttos and logically should be more rewarded.
2007.Apr.04, 12:54 AM
Post: #57
well said raf, I agree.
2007.Apr.04, 04:00 AM
Post: #58
The top donators are not being bullies in anyway, however they are donating alot more than $400 per month too, neither here nor there. Needs to be balance, and what I dislike about the current situation is levels and dedicated time in game don't mean much anymore. I have always likes the previous battle code much better, but I am adapting to the new one as well.

Love this game great people who play it, and we all have to appreciate the fact that Zen is allowing us to debate this topic, whatever happens, happens have to trust in Zen and Err to do whats best for the community
2007.Apr.04, 04:04 AM
Post: #59
I agree. It's a game, some will get ahead easily but you never know what's around the corner. Just do your best guys, don't get frustrated just stay the course. I of course want to be the best, as it is my ultimate goal. I saw myself getting frustrated but it was just jealousy Smile I would donate that much money if I had it. I just wouldn't donate it all at once. By gradually donating large chunks you grow super fast yet you don't draw AS MUCH negative attention. Titus not only donated a drek ton but he is also super active. My thoughts is have at it brother! Just be careful when you get to the #1 spot. Rule with the whole picture in mind, and be as fair as possible. I look forward to serving the new regime Smile 8)

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2007.Apr.04, 04:17 AM
Post: #60
maybe have a cap on refills per day. So you can only get 1 refill a day or somethin?