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- zenith - 2008.Jul.23 12:28 PM

Marlo Wrote:Zen, you might as well go ahead and code some monster Lazer Rifle, or USH-KILLA 5000, price it through the f'n roof and appease the people who think that their presence here is the reason the game exists. You may only sell one though... Wink

Lasers aren't for another few districts. Still working on contemporary weapons that shoot bullets.

As for LEVEL requirements, that will definitely start a level race. A reputation requirement for a shop will not prevent the items from trickling down to those who don't have the rep.

It's interesting how when I made the first stat requirement weapon players complained the stat requirements were too high. In the 2 years since then it now looks like the community wants to ensure the best weapons require ever-increasing stats so a newb can't get their hands on that power armor and railgun.

While I don't ever see an end to the new weapons as players progress in levels, I do see a need to fill in the gaps. High-end weapons that never run out are a staple and aren't going to disappear..

- Druchii - 2008.Jul.23 12:30 PM

Well they should be from 45-49 in the top stat. So that people are forced to use Ares/SB1 while training to get it, so that we have a ladder in getting the newer weapons.

I'm not that worried about stat requirements tho, I am however worried that endurance requirements will be upped too much. Will cost plenty of millions buying credits to raise endurance after the level 20 endurance. Making prices on endurance rise back to old heights of 300-350 for bigger stacks of credits.

- Moriarty - 2008.Jul.23 12:31 PM

Loki Wrote:But you're probably right, it is all about the $$$ for "ADMIN"

Shame people feel that way, everytime someone hits a milestone its the community clammering for new weapons. As youve said before why release stuff that everyone can use? so the last lot had to be unobtainable for most. The fact that people donated to 20 END was probably planned, but i dont see what else could have been done at the time. End of the day Zen is just giving people what they want, and if that means a bonus on the donations im sure thats a happy bonus.

- alinutza - 2008.Jul.23 12:45 PM

zenith Wrote:As for LEVEL requirements, that will definitely start a level race. A reputation requirement for a shop will not prevent the items from trickling down to those who don't have the rep.

and what is wrong with leveling?? what's the point of having great stats and not having action points for a sports car?? there's a level 18 or 19 that beats me in 30 rounds...he beats me, but i can hide in midlan district right!?!

- shadowinc - 2008.Jul.23 12:52 PM

its like this, if new armour and weapons come out they should be for the players who workied hard to get the stats to wear them and for those few who have spent alot of money to get their endurance and intell up,even if the weapons and armour was at 50 stats it would give those that do not have the stats to use them something to push for

- alinutza - 2008.Jul.23 01:07 PM

shadowinc Wrote:its like this, if new armour and weapons come out they should be for the players who workied hard to get the stats to wear them and for those few who have spent alot of money to get their endurance and intell up,even if the weapons and armour was at 50 stats it would give those that do not have the stats to use them something to push for

i agree that best items should be for those who have paid(a lot) for endurance and intelligence, but if the requirements are too high then a gap between (big)donators and non-donators will be created.

We all know that we need to play alot of time to train and do crimes to see some benefits, but if the variety of weapons does not increase, people will start compaining again on donator-nondonator theme.

Maybe a non-donator SB1 with the same battle stats requirement and only 10 endurace, but make it less powerul than the normal SB1; an armor that need 25 resistance and no endurance requirement, but less efective that the B4C armour..

Idea: what about armour made specifically for melee or range combat?

- CrazyFoley - 2008.Jul.23 01:11 PM

As rafal has shown us that with a lot of hard work you don't have to be a big donator to have high stats.

- alinutza - 2008.Jul.23 01:15 PM

thatthingufear Wrote:As rafal has shown us that with a lot of hard work you don't have to be a big donator to have high stats.

true, but unless someone helps you buy your way to 20 endurance, it's gonna take a year or even more to do it only with the money from crimes. remember that you will want a villa or a ranch, a dynema trenchcoat, or SIC armour and an electric/ionized axe or a good gun :wink:

- BlitzKrieg - 2008.Jul.23 01:15 PM

alinutza Wrote:i agree that best items should be for those who have paid(a lot) for endurance and intelligence, but if the requirements are too high then a gap between (big)donators and non-donators will be created.

there already is a huge gap between donators and non-
it doesn't even have to created.

- LikeWhoa - 2008.Jul.23 01:18 PM

damn blitz you beat me to it

is lvl 11-19 not a big enough gap? for ranged weapons