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Combat Evasion - Printable Version

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Combat Evasion - Chymere - 2009.Dec.31 01:05 AM

Anyone with a high skill lvl that could share their thoughts on it?

I'm lvl 6 and I'm barely starting to see a difference. And I have 38 dex.

RE: Combat Evasion - Brugada - 2009.Dec.31 01:13 AM

its not your level....its how you combine it with the other combat skills. Ninja

RE: Combat Evasion - JohnnyB - 2009.Dec.31 02:51 AM

(2009.Dec.31 01:13 AM)Brugada Wrote:  its not your level....its how you combine it with the other combat skills. Ninja

and encumbrance rate...

RE: Combat Evasion - Monk - 2009.Dec.31 09:12 AM

Mines 4 and i notice huge difference from atks to defends.

RE: Combat Evasion - Punisher - 2009.Dec.31 09:30 AM

defensive skills dont seem to help much against higher offensive ones....supposedly they negate each if you have 6 armor and are defending against someone with 6 both are equal with skills...personally i feel you are better off to go with a high weapon skill and a couple ones in defensive since they are easy to get

RE: Combat Evasion - Joshiwa - 2009.Dec.31 09:35 AM

I pretty sure it was said in the forums before that you need 1 lvl in each def skill to negate 1 offensive skill. Offensive skills are much better to have.

RE: Combat Evasion - bconrad56 - 2009.Dec.31 09:48 AM

I think you said that before Joshiwa.

RE: Combat Evasion - Monk - 2009.Dec.31 10:00 AM

If what Pun and Josh said is true then it would be eventually beneficial to do defence then, think if it negates 1 offensive skill. Put it this way you and you opponent both have 10 offensive skills now my opponent starts for 11 but i manage to do 2 defence in that time frame then he would only have 9 while you have 10!? makes sense to me.

RE: Combat Evasion - CrazyFoley - 2009.Dec.31 10:08 AM

If your opponnet had 10 weapon skill, you would need 10 in each deffensive skill to be equal.

RE: Combat Evasion - ClosedCasket - 2009.Dec.31 10:09 AM

Lame, I still don't see how having a lower skill in any of the defensive skills can make a high combat evasion skill worthless!
Doesn't make any sense.

Honestly, so what I cannot use my armor or helmet more effectively
so the fuck what can't I dodge a hit and not check to see if my crit res or armor handling is in order!

Nyukka plzz