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Official Code Change : Gang Wars - Printable Version

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- Jolabent - 2007.Jul.11 11:10 PM

We would never of attacked without the alliance that is for sure and I was a bit shocked that the end result is there is no sense in attacking since you will just spend 2-4 hours in the hospital. Even as an alliance if the higher levels put 3/4 of you in the hospital, what is the point in attacking is my point. I am not 100% sure if any team besides ours won. Thanks to them weakening Villains we got the winning hit, yet the final team still battled for 1 hour after and all 6 of those members spent the entire battle in the hospital. Not even sure, why the wars continued after we won the battle and got gang points.

What does 10-12 gang points mean to a low level team if by chance they win if they spend the entire battle in the hospital? What is the entire point of doing them then?

- Saerin - 2007.Jul.11 11:22 PM

Them hospitalizing you isnt all that much different than the previous system...but you won the war and gang points which can be used to buy an upgrade that gives you a boost in personal combat can be a big deal...and is 10 a big deal? not really but since Zenith has already stated that the rewards are likely to rise a bit we will have to see.

You claimed to have read all 22 pages of the thread and you admit that you dont know anything about the old system. so let me explain a bit about the old system....a stronger gang declares on you they beat you and hospitalize you and so you realise you cant win. you ask for a surrender...they demand 15000 from your gang as payment and terms of the surrender. you dont have what happens they continue to attack you you and hospitalize you until they take a desired amount of Respect or your gang is disbanded and you have to pay the 50K to start a new gang.

So I hope you see that despite this not appearing to be worth it at the moment it is more fair to you than you think it is or it appears to be. Not to mention Zenith is a Great Admin and will get this system tweaked and even more balanced than it is now...but it will take time. Give her some input on what you think could make it better and then give her some time. This will take time but Zenith ((as anyone that has been around for any length of time can attest to)) will make sure that it is as fair to all people as she can get it.

- zenith - 2007.Jul.12 12:50 AM

Code Update

Gang point earnings in war have been slightly increased for everyone. The tougher your opponent is, the more you get as usual.

You get bonus points when you DON'T put your opponent in the hospital during war or just prior to war.

You cannot declare on a gang when they are all in the hospital. This might change to be "some" rather than "all". I don't want gangs to pre-hospitalize before battle, but I don't want it impossible to declare war when just 1 player is in intensive care.

Hideout defense refresh rate when over 50% of max defense rating now exists. The rate is generally slower than the under-50% rate, and the hideout refresh rating upgrade adds to this rate.

For example...

Attacking a 3-member gang that gave 10 gang points in the old standard system will give closer to 25 if you don't send any of them to the hospital. If you send them all to the hospital just prior to the war or during war you will get closer to 6 gang points.

This is the first step in rewarding gangs who win battles when the enemy can fight back. I didn't want to punish as much as reward, but beating a gang that can't even fight back doesn't seem like there is much risk. You now get BONUS gang points in a victory to simulate a "decent" battle.

There will be further tweaking to come.

- badmanbren - 2007.Jul.12 12:59 AM

Thanks for the updates Zen they seem nice, I'm starting to get used to this war system. Seems like it will be well better than the last one once things are sorted. Twisted

- Ih8lucky13 - 2007.Jul.12 02:19 AM

Jolabent Wrote:personally I hate Metallica, i am too old for them. Too me hospitalizing a team is cheating in the gang wars. But hey tough big guys always pick on the little guys in real life to show them who is tougher. I guess gang wars are not for me or my team, if in my eyes, you have to cheat to win them.

EDIT: lets look at the original post by Zenith:

Quote:Gone will be individual fights for respect. Instead, gangs will have turf wars based on attacking the other gang's hideout.

Gang wars will consist of attacking an opponent's hideout, or defending one's own hideout

Yup that says it all to me. But people decide the only way to win is hospitalize people for 140 minutes so they can win..... Yup that works.

Oh my god I don't mean to call anybody out but you are ridiculus

1. you joined in with three other gangs to attack one gang

2. that gang had higher level members than yours

3. you whine when the only proper defense was to hosp you

Now you are crying because you stuck your hand in the hornets nest

You want your cake, and to eat it too or you are going to take your ball and bat and go home.

- Dormagonn - 2007.Jul.12 02:22 AM

zenith Wrote:Gang point earnings in war have been slightly increased for everyone. The tougher your opponent is, the more you get as usual.

Hideout defense refresh rate when over 50% of max defense rating now exists. The rate is generally slower than the under-50% rate, and the hideout refresh rating upgrade adds to this rate.

Now you know I like that... Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

Keep on ruling Zenith, at yer feet.

- Howl - 2007.Jul.12 02:34 AM

zenith Wrote:Code Update

For example...

Attacking a 3-member gang that gave 10 gang points in the old standard system will give closer to 25 if you don't send any of them to the hospital. If you send them all to the hospital just prior to the war or during war you will get closer to 6 gang points.

This is the first step in rewarding gangs who win battles when the enemy can fight back. I didn't want to punish as much as reward, but beating a gang that can't even fight back doesn't seem like there is much risk. You now get BONUS gang points in a victory to simulate a "decent" battle.

Thats sucks! [Image: yucky.gif] [Image: blowup.gif]

- Ih8lucky13 - 2007.Jul.12 02:34 AM

Well when four gangs attack you at once and you only have four members online the only prudent defense is to hosp some of the attackers.

- Punisher - 2007.Jul.12 05:50 AM

Keep em coming zen...i like your line of thinking. Wow what a night, I am tired from all the travelling Smile.....i have to say, the new system is much, much more challenging than the old, bringing back warring to al

- thawdgharp - 2007.Jul.12 08:56 AM

I thought Howlsong was Siren. what's up with that?

second, I understand theDANE's point.

zen, maybe hospitalizations can be allowed without penalty, if you're being teamed up on by more than 2 gangs? or something like that?